
03 How the Marketing Root Work Community Works

Marketing Root Work Community Offer – How It Works

If you have any experience with gardening, you know that you care for the whole plant; you make sure the plants roots have enough moisture, you make sure the plant is growing in the right soil, you make sure the green leaves are receiving sunlight and the flowers are attracting pollinators. You may also have to protect your plants from pests and diseases.

Our goal as gardeners is to create a healthy ecosystem that helps our plant friends thrive.

Businesses and creative enterprises require an nourishing ecosystem as well. The system includes people and money and ideas and engagement, and so on. Businesses, especially creative businesses, do not survive in a vacuum. 

Which brings us back to the importance of community so our creative ventures gain traction and thrive. Creative ventures need people, structures, and practices.

  • Effective practices to connect with people who love and purchase our creations.
  • Us, the creators, to show up fully and authentically
  • People with a variety of gifts and talents; whose strengths offset our weaknesses and vice versa.
  • Accountability with people who genuinely want us to succeed
  • A focus on creating what we want in the world

The Marketing Root Work Community is a small group of creators who are committed to empowering one another to create thriving businesses and practices.

Specifically, our community is:

  • Small: 6 – 8 members
  • Mid-life women
  • Creators who want to share and sell their creations 
  • Want to connect with the people who truly love and appreciate their creations
  • Committed to helping one another thrive
  • The Marketing Root Work Community is a six-month commitment
  • The program begins May, 2024

Our community meets virtually every other week. Each Learning Circle:

  • Lasts 90-minutes.
  • Includes time for check ins, a learning topic, time to practice, and debriefing. 
  • Ways to practice and reinforce what we learn
  • Recordings of each circle

Topics cover two areas:

  1. Specific marketing practices to help us connect and foster relationships with the people who love and appreciate our creations: customers, clients, patrons, collaborators, mentors, and so on.
  2. Self-care practices to address all the gremlins who pop up and get in our way such as resistance, self-doubt, scarcity mindset, isolation, and so on. 

All of these practices and activities are meant to work together not isolation. Nothing riles up gremlins like doing new things to become more visible and at the same time as we address those gremlins we find our marketing and visibility activities become more effective.

In addition to twice monthly learning circles, community membership includes:

  • One on one consultations at a reduced hourly rate
  • Free entry to any workshops on specific topics such as referral marketing, passive revenue creation, and so on.
  • Monthly office hours
  • A private forum where members can ask questions, share what they’re working on, commiserate, share resources, etc. I will be regularly visiting the forum to answer questions, share ideas, and moderate as needed.
  • Just in time support by email or text
  • A very cool illustrated Root Workers Handbook with the self-care rituals and other goodies available for your learning and reference pleasure.

At this point, you may be thinking “Yeah, this is sounding great. What’s the investment and when does it start?” Read on.

Here are the Details

The Marketing Root Work Community membership is a six month commitment. Because this is a new program, I am reducing the monthly membership fee from $199 to $159.

You may pay for the entire six month program at the beginning for $955

Or in monthly payments of $159

Here are the proposed meeting dates:








Meetings are on Tuesdays, 1:00pm – 2:30pm Mountain Time

Note: There may also be a few dates I need to change. I’ll give you a heads-up if this is ever the case.

If you’ve made it this far, perhaps you’re feeling like, yes, this program sounds wonderful, exactly what you’re looking for. Still..you have a nagging fear that you are hopeless when it comes to marketing.

You are not alone. Read 04 But I’m Hopeless When It Comes to Marketing

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