
Invocation Prior to Action

There are different ways to approach how you do something. For a very long time, I liked creating checklists and completing the list in order of priority.

That works pretty well for me. But I’ve noticed even on my most productive days, I feel jittery. Sometimes I have a sense of emptiness and sterility. Like I’ve accomplished all this stuff; important stuff I wanted to accomplish but that empty space inside is still … empty.

What helps me is connecting my actions and decisions to something larger than myself. I ask that the Divine Spirit, Shekhinah, to work through me. There is something profoundly satisfying for me when I feel it’s not just about me. That my actions and decisions are connected to and benefiting the Greater Good.

My greatest wish for myself is that I am someone through which greater spirits and beings can do good. When I ask for this and feel connected, I feel peace and purpose. I feel whole. A good place to be.

If it brings you a sense of comfort and purpose, I invite you use the Invocation Prayer. You can also download printable versions. One is 8 1/2″x11″. The other is a pocket-size card (prints 2-cards per sheet).

Here is the Invocation:

Shekhinah, grandmothers, grandfathers.
Wise, loving compassionate Ones.
More than human people and elementals.
Spirits and guardians who occupy the land
I live one.

I ask you to bless what I am doing.
Help me be wise. Help me be kind.
Let me come from a place of love and 
Let me be an agent of your blessings
on the Earth. 
I invite you to work with me and 
co-create what is good and beautiful.
Something which will benefit many 
lives, human and not-human.



Full Sheet Invocation Invocation – Letter

4″x6″ Card Invocation Invocation Card 2 Up

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